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Crimson Webinars to Help Prepare for FEC Reports

cmdi | Mon Oct 02, 2023

The end of September marks the close of the third quarter, so the FEC reporting deadline is around the corner on September 15. Next Wednesday, September 29, the Crimson Support Team will offer two webinars to make filing these reports easier.

  • Crimson Overview webinar at 11 a.m. EDT

  • CrimsonFiler webinar at 2 p.m. EDT

Reserve a space in these webinars by clicking on the links below. Once you sign up, we will send information on how to join each session.

Crimson Overview at 11 a.m. EDT

Learn the basics of Crimson’s functionality during this webinar. Participants will learn about Crimson’s interactive dashboards, search options, custom reports, and everything you need to know to maximize your Crimson experience.

CrimsonFiler at 2 p.m. EDT

Join this session if you are new to the Crimson platform or haven’t used CrimsonFiler in a while. If you have questions about using CrimsonFiler, join us at 2 p.m. as the Crimson Support Team demonstrates how to file a report.